• Lead Engineer

    Drive everything about out product

  • Background & Why OpsStack

    Ops, DevOps, and IT are entering a brave new world of dynamic systems, faster deployments, hybrid environments, continual change, and more. We have a mass of disjointed point solutions but no full-stack full-lifecycle platforms.


    Moving to micro-services, serverless, Lambda, and hybrids makes this more complex & harder to document, manage, or troubleshoot. Ops is not getting easier, nor their tools better.


    What if we can fix all this ? What if we can provide a single unified operations platform integrating design, build, change, monitoring, expert systems, reverse engineering, security, performance, SRE, logging, CMDB, audit, and much more? For the full-stack (cloud, OS, services, serverless) and full life-cycle (forward, reverse, change engineering and management) ?


    This is not easy, but our decade of deep experience managing the world's largest systems has given us the background and expertise to do what must be done. We've been building these tools for many years, so now is the time to bring these to the world at large.


    You can be part of this team, as we finish productizing and building out the first generation of this platform, laying the groundwork to take over the world of operations.


    You will also be among the first hires, and thus set the tone and culture of the company for the years to come.

    Responsibilities & The Job

    Lead SaaS Engineers are responsible for driving every aspect of the continued development of the OpsStack product, including architecture, processes, tools, deployment, security, standards, and much more.


    OpsStack's initial development was done over many years by ChinaNetCloud, our company in China, which has spent 10 years managing large-scale Internet operations and developed the underlying tools and technology that became OpsStack. This was continually lead and architected by our American team originally from Silicon Valley.


    Lead Engineers in the US will takeover development leadership from the China-side team and drive it forward. The current codebase is a world-class PHP-Laravel, React, and Python system of considerable complexity and modularity.


    This is a large system, as its job is to take over virtually all of on-line operations for systems from one to hundreds of millions of users, on a global scale. At the forefront of Cloud and DevOps technologies; however, and it won't be easy, in part as we have decades of experience in this and a huge vision of the future - you'll have to run to catch up. There is a LOT to understand, and it'll feel overwhelming at first, but we'll help you through it.


    This is the perfect role for a mid-level Engineer looking to move up and lead a product and a team.

    Requirements & About You

    You need several years software development experience, at increasingly senior levels. Ideally in SaaS, IT, and Cloud. You don't need any specific degree nor university - we are looking for boys and girls who can roll up their sleeves and combine both a vision of what is needed with the nitty-gritty work of producing world-class products day-to-day.


    This is an Ops & Cloud product, so you should have experience managing Linux Systems at some level AND managing AWS cloud resources at some level. You will become intimately familiar with these systems this year and the more you know now, the better off you'll be.


    You also need experience in DevOps (whatever that means to you), CI/CD, Kanban and Scrum processes, and all those goes with typical modern (but not bleeding-edge) larger-scale development these days. You can expect us to be very opinionated on how this can and should work.


    You must believe in testing, MVP features, and iterative design & implementation. You must also believe in doing things right, but also in making tradeoffs between doing everything perfectly today and delivering what customers and the company needs.


    Also, we have decades of software development and operations experience, so while we truly want everyone's ideas, not every decision will go your way. This creates healthy tension, but not conflict.

    Finally, you must have serious experience in PHP web apps in general, and ideally Laravel, Symfony, and similar frameworks, including and especially how they think about various problems. You must also have serious JS experience, especially with frameworks, ideally with React. And of course all the fun toolchains involved.


    Beyond that, it's mostly about cultural fit as we work hard, speak up a lot, go to bat for the customers, and the team, all the time.

    Applying for this role

    To apply, please send your resume and an overview of why this is the role for you.


    We strongly encourage a diverse workforce & a wide pool of applicants. We are everything-friendly.


    Send to: Jobs (at) OpsStack.io